Your guide to getting control of your IBS... at your fingertips.


An online program for the person with IBS who wants step by step guidance to understanding their body, addressing the drivers of IBS, reducing symptoms, and building resilience in their gut long term.


We make it easier for you to get control of your symptoms and get on with your life!

That's what I'm looking for!

I really needed this in 2017 not the functional rabbit holes I went down, it kept me stuck for a long time... I am now pooping a solid type 3 or type 4 every single day, the volume has improved a ton!

I would and do recommend this to others who need an affordable options to not only understand their GI symptoms but to address them in the real world. There is so much information on the internet, Erin does an amazing job blending science with a holistic and gentle approach.- Laura


Living with IBS sucks. And managing it can feel like a second job.


You didn't go to school for this and your doctors haven't helped too much with the day to day symptoms, so how could you have it all under control?

Getting told you have IBS and that you should just learn to live with it feels isolating and makes you question if this is actually the life you want.

I get it. Because I've been there too.

I struggled with IBS symptoms for over 15 years before I got relief. During high school and college, I was insecure in my body and confused why I was in so much pain when others weren’t.

I felt ashamed and isolated, and I blamed myself for failing to be normal like everyone else. 

It wasn't until I became a dietitian that I learned it didn't have to be this way.

You don't have to suffer as long as I did.


I know it can be hard to imagine what's possible with IBS. Because maybe you've tried it all... you've logged the food, tried the medication, bought the supplements from the ad, tried eating healthier...

Only to end up with persistent symptoms.

You're not alone and you're body isn't body. Chances are, the strategy just needs to change for you to see the results you want.


What if it was possible to: 

  • Make plans confidently, knowing your body can handle whatever comes your way.
  • Travel and fully enjoy new experiences, without worrying about your gut holding you back.
  • Eat your favorite foods again, without paying for it for days.
  • Be fully present in your relationships, knowing you are ready to show up for them like they have for you.
  • Push yourself in your hobbies and/or career, trusting that forward progress is possible.  

This is possible for you. And the best part? It doesn't have to all be on your shoulders.

I'm in - tell me what to do!

Here's your answer: the MASTER Method Membership 


This membership includes a course and Dietitian-led community that teaches you how to holistically address IBS drivers, strategies to reduce symptoms, and guidelines for better gut health long term.  It's time to ditch the symptoms and get your life back - the membership is your first step.


What you get when you join as a member:

  • Access to our science-backed, proven curriculum for managing IBS in a holistic way - the Core Program (course)
  • Bonus lessons and challenges outside of the core curriculum that address overlapping conditions and concerns (GERD, gastroparesis, SIBO, PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid dysfunction, and more!)
  • Access to Club MM, a community forum with other members and Gutivate dietitians to connect, ask questions, and get support each step of the way
  • Lifestyle resources to help you take action, including guided meditations, movement sessions, recipes, and more


Think of this as the ultimate IBS guide at your fingertips! 


"This program has been instrumental in how I eat, digest and feel comfortable in my own body!" - MR



+ $50 enrollment fee (first month only)

  • Core curriculum for IBS
  • Club MM community
  • Lifestyle resources
  • Bonus lessons & live calls (as they are provided monthly)

This is a month to month membership, meaning there is no long term commitment once you join!

I was hesitant to join the Master Method program as I had already tried so many different things to manage my IBS. The best decision I made was to go ahead with it! Erin provides a course with clear and specific content so I never felt loss. With her holistic approach to the body I saw how every aspect of life has to be taken into account. I haven’t felt this good in a long time and symptoms are now not the norm! Thank you Erin for giving me my life back! - Chaya

Taking the MASTER Method class has been the best decision I’ve made in regards to my IBS! Erin is so knowledgeable about IBS and how to manage symptoms, and she’s a wonderful teacher! I’ve learned so much about how to be more in tune with my body. Plus, with this class you have a community of other women who are right there with you, so you never feel alone! - Mollie



I’ve had IBS my entire life and I’ve done a lot of research on it on my own. I thought I knew everything and part of me was scared to try this program thinking it would be just another thing that wouldn’t help. But I was so wrong! Having a small community that understands and a strong leader who is very knowledgeable has been so helpful. I’ve learned that my mind is just as much. I would highly recommend taking this program whether you just found out you had IBS or you’ve been dealing with it your entire life! - Kelsey

The MASTER Method program has been life-changing for me! Erin addresses the whole picture of the brain and body to help your gut get happy. I had tried the low FODMAP diet before on my own with mixed results. Working with Erin has taught me that there is so much more to it than food alone. I needed accountability to truly focus on healing my gut and the group program gave me that. Not to mention how wonderful it is to be connected to other women going through the same issues! - Heather


Erin Judge, RDN, CPT


Erin founded the MASTER Method after her own experience with IBS. After suffering, without help, for over 10 years, she finally discovered the strategies to find control and gain her confidence back.

As a dietitian, she has taken these strategies into her work with women with IBS, and the MASTER Method is the result of that work. You'll find her in the weekly videos, on live coaching calls, and in the community!

You have the choice to start your journey towards freedom from your IBS


If you've made it this far, I want you to ask yourself a few questions:

  • What if one module in the MASTER Method uncovered that missing piece to why your symptoms are happening?
  • What if you could pick up your phone and go to a community of professionals and peers to ask a question versus waiting months until you can get an appointment with your provider?
  • What if this 6 month commitment created more symptom-free time to give back to your relationships, to invest in your career, and to pick up hobbies that bring you joy?

Imagine being able to enjoy your food again, savoring every bite, and smiling knowing that fear of symptoms is gone.

Imagine going through your day without thinking about your gut and being uncomfortable and in pain. 

I’ve helped hundreds with IBS take back control so that they can trust and love their bodies again, and I want to do the same for you.  

Don’t miss your opportunity to take your life back and live it to the fullest. 


Questions you might be asking